Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Mikrotik v6.0beta1 rilis

mikrotik v6.0beta1 rilis

mikrotik versi v6.0beta1 sudah rilis sob, apa aja yang berubah dan fitur yang berambah? ini sob kutipan dari forum mikrotik ^_^

What's new in 6.0beta1 (2012-Apr-13 15:26):

  •  updated drivers and kernel (to linux-
  •  improved interface management (scales well for up to thousands of interfaces and more)
  • improved queue management (/queue simple and /queue tree) - easily handles tens of thousands of queues
  • improved overall router performance when simple queues are used - at least double the performance of v5, even bigger improvements on multicore systems
  • very small overhead for packets that miss simple queues, but simple queues are present in the system
  • pcq queue is NAT aware (just like "/queue simple" and "/ip traffic-flow"
  • in "/ip firewall mangle" can specify "new-priority=from-dscp-high-3-bits"
  • new default queue types: pcq-download-default and pcq-upload-default
  • simple queues have separate priority setting for download/upload/total
  • slave flag shows up for interfaces that are in bridge,bonding or switch group global-in, global-out, global-total parent in /queue tree is replaced with global that is equivalent to global-total in v5
  • simple queues happen in different place - at the very end of postrouting and local-in chains 
  • simple queues target-addresses and interface parameters are joined into one target parameter, now supports multiple interfaces match for one queue 
  • simple queues dst-address parameter is changed to dst and now supports destination interface matching 
  • dns cache logs requests to topics "dns" and "packet"

untuk yang mau mendownloadnya silahkan kehttp://www.mikrotik.com/download.html dan ingin berpartisipasi memberikan laporan bug dan sebagainya.

v6.0beta1 mencakup banyak perubahan, disarankan untuk pengujian sampai Anda yakin bahwa ia bekerja dengan konfigurasi yang diperlukan. dan kita dapatberpatisipasi menyerahkan semua laporan kepada support@mikrotik.com (include file support.rif).

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